Senior Technical Manager, Forestry

Andrew Taylor, Senior Technical Manager, Forestry, provides technical forestry expertise to facilitate carbon offset projects in the California compliance and voluntary markets. He oversees the review of forestry and other land based offset project listing, verification, and registration, and coordinates new offset methodology approval.
Andrew comes to ACR with a background in forest mensuration, forest inventory management, forestry technology deployment, and silviculture. He served as a Resource Information Forester for Hancock Forest Management, where he managed a national forest inventory program and implemented a new plantation assessment program to monitor and analyze stocking and seedling survival of recent plantings. He collected field forestry data for the US Forest Service in Colorado and Washington state, including several years working for the Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) program. Andrew earned a Master of Forestry (MF) degree in Sustainable Forest Management at Oregon State University, which concentrated on Silviculture, Fire and Forest Health. His research focused on silviculture for old-growth structure, particularly vertical canopy continuity, in the Oregon coast range, as well as the physiological impacts of partial harvest regimes and their influence on forest carbon dynamics. He has a Bachelor of Arts (BA) with a dual major in Music and German from the University of Vermont.