A Global Leader that Delivers Ambitious Climate Results

ACR is a leading global carbon crediting program. We enhance confidence in the integrity of carbon markets to catalyze transformational emission reductions.

Our Mission

ACR creates confidence in the integrity of carbon markets to catalyze transformational climate results.


We engage actively in a broad range of industry initiatives to help shape the development and growth of high-integrity carbon markets


We operate a transparent online registry system to record the issuance, transfer, and retirement of serialized carbon credits


We pioneer rigorous, peer-reviewed, science-based carbon accounting standards and methodologies


We oversee the registration and independent verification of greenhouse gas emission reduction and removals projects

Our Role

ACR is a leading carbon crediting program operating in global compliance and voluntary carbon markets.

Founded in 1996 as the first private voluntary GHG registry in the world, we have a quarter century of expertise in ensuring carbon credit quality and a proven track record in innovation and continuous improvement.

Our Team

ACR benefits from a responsive, best-in-class team with wide-ranging expertise. Learn about our team and governance.

Contact Us

Reach out to the ACR team with your questions. Contact Us.


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