A Trusted Leader in Regulated and Voluntary Carbon Markets

For those sourcing high-quality carbon credits, ACR is a trusted partner operating globally in both compliance and voluntary carbon markets.

Our Role

ACR oversees the registration and verification of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction and removals projects following approved carbon accounting methodologies, and we issue serialized credits on a transparent registry system for tracking holdings, as well as for retirement and cancellation.

We have been approved to issue credits for entities that need to meet compliance requirements within various regulated carbon markets, including California’s Cap-and-Trade market, the International Civil Aviation Organization’s (ICAO) Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA), Washington State’s Cap-and-Invest market, Colorado’s Methane Recovery market and the Government of Singapore’s National Environment Agency.

We also issue a broad range of high-integrity credits for those operating in the voluntary carbon market, which buyers can be confident represent real, credible and verified emission reductions and removals.