ACR Invites Stakeholder Feedback on a Methodology for Reduced Carbon Intensity of Fed Cattle



August 17, 2013

Monday, September 9, 2013
3:00 – 4:30 EST / 12:00 – 1:30 PST


Winrock’s American Carbon Registry (ACR) recently announced an open public comment period and is seeking stakeholder feedback on a voluntary carbon offset quantification methodology for Reduced Carbon Intensity of Fed Cattle.

The methodology quantifies carbon intensity-based GHG emissions reductions in the production of beef cattle in U.S. feedyards from alterations in feeding practice or management strategies that reduce enteric methane (CH4) from digestion of feed in the rumen as well as methane and nitrous oxide (N2O) from manure storage and handling.

The Methodology was developed by a Protocol Scientific Adaptation Team convened under the USDA Conservation Innovation Grant entitled Bovine Innovative Greenhouse Gas Solutions (BIGGS) and was adapted from three Alberta Offset System Quantification Protocols for beef cattle feeding.

Join the ACR webinar to learn more about and provide feedback to ACR on eligible activities as well as baseline and emission reduction quantification under the methodology. Presentations will be made by methodology developers Karen Haugen-Kozyra and Garth Boyd of The Prasino Group / Bovine Innovative Greenhouse Gas Solutions and Nicholas Martin of ACR.