ACR Announces Open Public Comment Period for Updates to the ACR Standard and Publication of Tribal Lands Guidance



May 25, 2018

MAY 25, 2018 – The American Carbon Registry (ACR), a nonprofit enterprise of Winrock International, announces the following:

Open public comment period for updates to the ACR Standard v5.0, which details ACR’s requirements and specifications for the quantification, monitoring, reporting, verification, registration and issuance of project-based GHG emissions reductions and removals as carbon offsets.

Please submit written comments via by July 25, 2018.

Publication of ACR’s Guidance for Carbon Project Development on Tribal Lands, which was developed in partnership with the Indian Lands Tenure Foundation to facilitate the validation, verification, and registration on ACR of carbon offset projects located on tribal land, including both lands held by tribal nations and those held by individuals.