The ACR Standard

The ACR Standard ensures the highest level of scientific integrity for every carbon credit we issue.

Our Standard

The ACR Standard establishes the level of scientific integrity that every project must meet in order for ACR to register its GHG emission reductions and removals as tradable environmental assets.

We aim to make the Standard as flexible and usable as possible for Project Proponents while maintaining the environmental integrity and scientific rigor necessary to ensure that projects developed through associated methodologies are recognized as the highest quality, whether used for voluntary or regulatory compliance purposes.

Adherence to the ACR Standard, associated methodologies and verification requirements will ensure that project-based credits represent emission reductions and removals that are real, additional, permanent, net of leakage, accurately and conservatively quantified, verified by a competent independent third party, and used only once.

The ACR Standard

The ACR Standard details our requirements and specifications for the quantification, monitoring, reporting, verification, registration and issuance of project-based GHG emission reductions and removals as carbon credits.

Publication Date: 2023-07-01

Read the Standard

The ACR Standard

Version 8.0