ACR Announces Methodology Consultation for Improved Forest Management on Small Private Non-Industrial Forestlands



April 16, 2021

LITTLE ROCK, April 16, 2021- The American Carbon Registry (ACR), a nonprofit enterprise of Winrock International, is soliciting public comments on a newly developed Methodology for the Quantification, Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions and Removals from Improved Forest Management on Small Non-Industrial Private Forestlands.

The methodology is designed to quantify greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions and removals resulting from improved forest management activities on aggregated ownerships of non-industrial private forestlands ranging from 40–5,000 forested acres. Emission reductions are quantified from forest carbon projects that exceed baseline forest management practices, and removals are quantified for retention of annual forest growth. The primary carbon sequestration mechanism is the commitment to grow trees longer and increase forest stocking.

Despite owning nearly 40% of U.S. forestlands, less than 1% of small forest ownerships have enrolled in the carbon market to date. This is due to known financial and institutional barriers associated with the scale and complexity of the existing market.

This methodology, developed in partnership with Finite Carbon and ACR, includes innovative aggregation and monitoring approaches to alleviate these entry barriers and allow this landowner type to quantify GHG benefits and receive financial compensation for carbon sequestration.

Stakeholders are invited to review the methodology and submit comments to by May 17, 2021.